My credit card charge is fifty percent, When I pay it I get kind of all bent, With all the bank fees, I'm down on my knees, Even on savings they charge me for rent.
I once caught a great big crappie,
'He tangled my line up in a wrappie,
When I untangled him at last,
He knew his time was past,
I fried him in grease and was happy.
My potato salad made people so sad, I used mayonnaise that had gone really bad, The eggs were well boiled, But, had sat out and got spoiled, Now, everyone who ate it is mad.
I time traveled off to a nicer place, In my 1974 Matador Sedan, There was no pressure; there was no rat race, You just took life as you could and can, I time traveled off to a nicer place, But, alas I could not stay, For reality like my sedan has no brakes, To stop I’ll cross my fingers and pray.
Eric liked to walk in the ditch, But the ditch-water made Eric's feet itch, And, in between Eric's toes, Where the stink-mushroom grows, A bloodsucker feels that he's found his niche.
Priscilla the fish thought she had found her life mate,
She found him on Facebook and thought he was great,
But, when her special person didn’t show,
On their first date in the sea below,
Her feelings were rated devastate.