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Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Lay me down my wig at night, lay me down my wig,
Then, I'll chug down my bourbon and have my final cig,
 Tomorrow I'll awaken with hardly any sleep,
And, I hope at work I do o.k. so, my job I just might keep,  

I think it is incredible each day that I survive,
Until, I drop dead at work and am declared an unalive,
Of course, there are the medicines I take for my aches and pains,
 These meds have scrambled up my guts and eaten away my brains,

To live to be a pensioner I think is real naive,
For all the decades I have worked, not one penny I'll receive,
I have no riches to pass on to my son when he gets big,
But, I'm sure it will fit him so, I bequeath to him my wig.