Butcher the beagle liked to eat flies, High in protein; those crunchy meat pies, Once he chomped down on a bee, Which made Butcher see, When eating he should open his eyes.
There was a dog named Feelings, Feelings liked to roll around in the dirt, His master kept Feelings all penned up, Because he didn’t want his feelings hurt. There was a cat named Blue, He was mean and kind of scary, Blue would eat only fruit this is true, Now he looks like a fat blue berry.
I had a feisty Pomeranian named Little Dog Lee, He would bite down on my pant cuffs and not let them be, But, when I offered him bacon, His real desire would awaken, After that he'd let my pant cuffs hang free.
My dog bit my face off and it was not pleasant,
He can't see too well and thought I a pheasant,
I don't blame him too much,
And, my face needed a touch,
Now, I don't look just like another peasant.