There once was a talented otter, He worked as a spinning wheel clay potter, His kiln blew up one day, And his house burned away, He had tried making his kiln burn much hotter.
John thought he'd strike a walrus pose, So, he stuck two straws way up his nose, He thought he’d be funny, But, his nose became runny, He dripped down the front of his clothes.
I come from a planet with two suns and two moons,
Many groves of apple trees line up in platoons,
It never turns night,
You live only in light,
You can eat lunch twice cause there are two noons.
Joe went out to cut some firewood, He played with the chainsaw and that's not good, He cut off his feet, And fell on his seat, Now he respects the chainsaw like he should.
At hunting camp I got the boot, I spoiled the big turkey shoot, When the turkeys came by, I yelled “get lost or die”, I saved lives and don’t give a hoot.
Bartleby liked to stay in a baby crib, He had a baby bottle, blanket and bib, He once ran a bank, It went into the tank, At sixty he couldn't take any one's rib.
There once was a peasant named Bill,
Finding pennies gave him a thrill,
He once found a dime,
But, it was only one time,
Finding pennies was his only skill.
Bill found worms between all of his toes, How they got there nobody knows, Bill takes a hot shower, Once each year for an hour, Then, he trims the hairs hanging down from his nose. Bill sighted worms down between all of his toes, He saved them for bait when fishing he goes, He liked to raise larvae within his large nose, He'll have plenty of bait when fishing he goes.
Today I decided to lounge all about, And go fishing for some little bitty brook trout, I took my pick, From a cedar swamp crick, Tasting piney; I washed them down with stout.
I got pine tree juice all over my two feet, It's sticky and nasty and just can't be beat, I tried to use soap, But it gave me no hope, I'm glad my cat thinks pine tree juice is a treat.
My mind is in a complete whirl,
I was attacked by a brain eating zombie squirrel,
He jumped on my head,
Soon I was dead,
If I eat anything but brains I will hurrell.
There was a bee eating frog named Bugsy,
The bees thought that he was a thugsy,
Bugsy stuck out his tongue,
He got his tongue stung,
Now Bugsy the frog needs a hugsy.
Jim thought removing his bling would limit his power,
So, Jim cleaned his bling when he took a shower,
But, on one really hot water day,
Jim's bling melted away,
Now, Jim has decorated himself with a flower.
Ironman, Batman and, Superman one day, Went fishing for perch far out on the bay, Ironman became rust, Batman turned to dust, While Superman slept all the way.
A satirical limerick was let loose, That helped to cook a Congressman’s goose, It made him look bad, So, he got really mad, And, banned limericks for satirical use.
A hickory nut fell out of a tree, It bounced off my head and pieced through my knee, The doctor said well, You have a thick skull, But, soft in the knee bone I see.
The limerick man wrote a limerick in jail,
It was about the high cost of bail,
The judge read it twice,
Raised the bail up thrice,
So, the limerick man still sits on his tail.