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Showing posts with label cannibalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cannibalism. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


Way far back in the year CE ten,
We were conquered, destroyed by King Ben,
We thought we were burnt toast,
But were cut into roasts,
We then fed all of King Benny's men.

Friday, June 17, 2022


I went and found a demon, eating his dinner out in the wood,
He was chomping on someone's arms and legs, while smacking his lips real good,
He asked me if I'd sit down and sup,
I said, "no thanks", before I threw up,
The demon replied, " more for me", as I turned back towards my neighborhood.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Who Will Be Dinner? The Turkey Or Me?

I went for the turkey and the vicious turkey, went for me,
One would be dinner the other, a tomorrow would not see,
We fought and we fought and we fought,
Till my throat, the turkey wings caught,
I hope he chokes on my wishbone then, we're together, me and he.

Sunday, October 31, 2021


I went to see witches to buy magic brew,
Alas, they hit me on the head and threw me into their stew,
It wasn't so bad,
Between the potatoes and bread,
I was the protein for one meal, maybe two.