Ninety-nine minnows lived in the thick weeds, They liked the dense foliage for their safety needs, But, a swordfish named Rege, Cut down their safety-hedge, Now, on the ninety-nine minnows Rege feeds.
Ninety-nine minnows swam way out to sea, Then along came a shark and then there were three, Out of those ninety-nine minnows three swam back toward the shore, Then, along came a bass and he ate one more, The last two little minnows decided to date, They made ninety-nine minnows and I caught them for bait.
I thought I'd go fishing so, I picked up some worms, I thought I'd catch keepers on my living bait terms, But, the big fish weren't hard hitting, My worms they were spitting, I caught just minnows instead of large pachyderms.