Randy ate a pair of pickles before bed, on a dare, But, then he tossed all night with a nasty nightmare, From his belly Randy dreamt, There was an exit attempt, Out his bellybutton slipped the pickles with a pear.
My snow covered shack up on the hill,
Came crashing down upon my still,
It buried my corn, my sugar, my mash,
It even buried two cans of corned beef hash,
All I saved were some pickles; I think they're dill.
A giant pickle laid on the ground, Worms hollowed it out but, the walls were still sound, Then, three little pigs, Made the pickle their digs, With rent being two pence and one pound.
This is the story of Billy Deed, He was in a giant pickle, Billy Deed was a pickle seed, He froze and became a pickle-sickle In the spring when he thawed out, He thought he'd get his chance, But, a pickle seed when it's thawed out, Is a favorite food of ants.
My snow covered shack up on the hill,
Came crashing down upon my still,
It buried my corn, my sugar, my mash,
It even buried two cans of corned beef hash,
All I saved were some pickles; I think they're dill.
It snowed and froze my pickle buds,
Now my pickle blossoms are just cruds,
And, it's so late in the season,
This cold spring is a treason,
I'll feel better when I crack open some suds.