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Wednesday, February 15, 2023


I had a real bad scare,
When I was eaten by that bear,
He ate me arms, he ate me legs,
For those appendages, I now need pegs,

On that night that I would rue,
I was in the green forest, sky dark blue,
I was scouting for a place to rave,
When I came upon a big bear cave,

I was a rave scout, it paid the bills,
If I could provide the ravers thrills,
I figured the bear would provide great stills,
And, more excitement if there were kills, 

I thought that first I should explore,
It would be easy, there was no door
Methinks myself a cunning knave,
When I sneaked up on that big bear cave,  

Then, the bear came out with a pleasant smile,
So, we both stood grinning for a while,
Alas, he did smite me with his claws,
And, ripped off my limbs with his drooling jaws,

Finally, he left me with my stumps,
Lurking into the forest with grumbles and grumps,
And, as I lied there awaiting death,
I thought boy, that bear had real bad breath.  

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