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Showing posts with label Epic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Epic. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 4, 2022


The stork brought babies and babies,
My pet rat came down with the rabies,
My skin was all covered with scabies,
It was the darkest and darkest of days

A raccoon got into the henhouse,
My mommy ran off with my ex-spouse,
My kid went to jail; got a de-louse,
It was the darkest and darkest of days,

My car ran over nails in the driveway,
I did not find out till the highway,
I spun off a bridge into a skyway,
It was the darkest and darkest of days,

I landed on rocks sticking up near the shoreline,
Sharks swam around me, waitng to fine dine,
My bones were all broke, I was not fine,
It was the darkest and darkest of days,

I closed my eyes and then I soon died,
Awoke in a world of zombies, and I couldn't hide,
They ate my face, my feet, and backside,
It was the darkest and darkest of days.