Lester was trained to play the trumpet,
He could only play slow, and couldn’t hump it,
Only fast music could please,
All the dance party sleaze,
Lester then took his trumpet to dump it.
Hector played the harpsichord, He did not play well and was ignored, But, the piano-forte, He found he could play, He played so well he was Knighted a Lord.
Eli tried to conduct the band,
He couldn’t read music and soon got canned,
So he took a music course,
Learned the power of the force,
During his ovations, the audience will stand.
Sally could play the recorder,
She broke hers and put one on order,
It was sent one day,
But, to Sally’s dismay,
The recorder was sent north of the border.
Myrna played the pipe organ, She did not play it very well, That’s why all around her home, The neighbors all wanted to sell, Myrna chased all the dogs away, And, the little kitty cats too, Her horrible noise was just so bad, Away all the birdies flew, Myrna‘s husband at last had enough, He stuffed full the pipes with gum, So, Myrna took up a new instrument, And, started beating on her drum.
Leroy played the base guitar, But, the sounds he made were so bizarre, His band gave him the boot, Now, he’s a bitter old coot, Playing for tips left in his mason jar.
Mary tried to play the French horn, It sounded like she was eating corn, She crunched and smacked, Then coughed and hacked, Her music career she should mourn.